Department : Physical Education and Sports Science
College : Physical Education & Sport Sciences
Academic : Lecturer


Resume Resume
First Name : Rezvan Last Name : Mirsafaei rizi
Birth Date :
Birth Place :
Academic : Lecturer Contract Type : Retired / Disconnection with university
College EMail : 
EMail :
Research Interest :
Educational Background


Personal information



Name: Rezvan                                                                  Surname: Mirsafaei Rizi

Contact Information


Home Address: Room 1721, 15 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Postal code:00000                                                        Tel: +85255413253


Work address: Isfahan azad university, Khorasgan(Isfahan)branch, Jey St.,

Isfahan, Iran.

Postal box:81595-158                                                  Tel:+983115354001-9                   

 fax:+983115354060                                                     Cell:+98913 3359510






·        Ph.D in Sport Sciences, Sport Sciences, Jan 2013- Aug 2017. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (


Thesis title: Identifying risk factor for severe injuries in rugby players


· Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Sep2001-Feb2004. Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan(Isfahan)branch,

Isfahan, Iran. ( )

            Average: 18.07 out of 20



            Thesis title:   A  comparison between two schedules of reduced frequency                    

               of feedback(summary &faded feedback )on learning the skill of

               Free- through shooting in basketball.



·        B.Sc. in Physical Education Instruction & Sport Sciences, Jan1997-Jan2001. Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Iran. (  )

            Average :17.35 out of 20


Work experiences


·        Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan (Isfahan) branch, Isfahan, Iran, since 2006.

       ( )

·        Director of undergraduate students in Sport Science, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan (Isfahan) branch, Isfahan, Iran, since 2018.

•    Research Head of the Faculty of Physical Education & Sports Science,           Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan( Isfahan) branch, Isfahan, Iran, 2012-2013

·        Teacher of Education Department, Isfahan, Iran, 1996-2004.

·        Lecturer in sports sciences at Payam e Nour University, Zarrinshahr Branch, Isfahan, Iran, 2006-2008.

·        Lecturer in sports sciences at Welfare Sciences University, Isfahan, Iran, since 2006-2010.

·        Lecturer in sports sciences at Zarrinshahr University of Applied Science & technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2005. Vice-President of Track and Field Board in State of Isfahan, Iran, 2010-2011.

·        Vice-President of Track and Field Board in Isfahan Province, Iran, 2010-2011.

·        Coach of Track and Field Team, Teacher Training University of Isfahan, Iran, 2009.

·        Coach of Track and Field Team of Isfahan University in Track and field Competitions of Students of Universities and National Institutes of Higher Education, Iran, 2009.

·         Supervisor of Basketball Team, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan (Isfahan) Branch, National Competition of Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2008.

·         Supervisor of Table Tennis Team, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan (Isfahan) branch, National Competition of Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2010.


                                                          Teaching experience

·        Theoretical topics:   

 English for Physical Education, Corrective exercises, Social –mental basics, Athletic rights, Health & fitness, Sport injury.

·        Practical topics:

      Track and field, Physical fitness, Mountaineering, Ping pong , Volleyball,




·        The 3nd place among postgraduates, average 18.07 out of 20.

·         Top graduate  student among 27.000 graduates during 10 years (1999-2009)

·        Top Scientific Place at 7th national assembly of Students in Tehran,Iran.1997-1998

·        Top Scientific Place at 8th national assembly of Students in Tehran,Iran.1998-1999


                                                         Championship Awards


·        1st place in Ping Pong of Personnel and Members of Faculty, district 4 of Islamic Azad University, 2018;

·        Top champion of Physical Fitness Competition of Personnel and Members of Faculty, district 4 of Islamic Azad University, 2010;

·        1st place in Physical Fitness competition of Personnel and Members of Faculty, district 4 of Islamic Azad University,2010;

·        2nd  national place in the field of long jump, Competitions of Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, 2010;

·        1st place in Physical Fitness Competition of Personnel and Members of Faculty, district 4 of Islamic Azad University, 2009;

·        2nd place in the field of Badminton , 1st Sport Olympiad of Female Teachers , 2005;

·        1st place in 19th Round of Specialized-Scientific Competitions of National Female Physical Education Teachers, 2004;

·        2nd  place, individual sport, in the field of Badminton, Competitions of Personnel of Isfahan Education Department, 2004;

·        1st place in the field of Basketball, Sport Competitions of Islamic Azad University, district 4, 2002;

·        2nd place in the field of Badminton, Sport Competitions of Islamic Azad University, district 4, 2001;

·        2nd place in the field of high jump in 5th National Student Sport Olympiad ,2000;

·        2nd national place in the field of sprint 100 m, Championship Competitions of Students of Universities and National Institutes of Higher Education,1999

·        1st national place in the field of high jump, Championship Competitions of Students of Universities and National Institutes of Higher Education,1999;

·        1st place in the field of basketball , Young adults basketball club competitions, grade 2 , 1998;

·        3rd place in the field of sprint 100 m, track and field competitions, in commemoration of martyrs officers and 36000 martyrs of Tehran ,1998;

                                                           Research Interests


·        Sport injury

·        Exercise therapy




·        Mirsafaei Rizi R, Simon S. Yeung, Nathan J. Stewart, Ella W. Yeung. Risk factors that predict severe injuries in university rugby Sevens players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Volume 20, Issue 7, Pages 648–652


·        Meshkati Z, Mirsafaei Rizi R, Badami R. Effect of a Single Bout Exercise on Mental Health in Young Adults. Research in Sport Management and Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 8: 89-93, 2014


·        Eslami farsani M, Mirsafaei Rizi R, Azadi A. Relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning among physical education teachers. European Journal of Experimental Biology [internet]. 2013March;3 (1):526-530.Available from:


   •   Mirsafaei Rizi R , Azadi A, Eslami farsani M. Relationship between leadership styles and Job satisfaction among physical education organization employees. European Journal of Sports and Science [Internet]. 2013 March;2(1):7-11.Available from:

·        Azadi A, Eslami farsani M , Mirsafaei Rizi R. Relationship between organizational culture and organizational learning among employees in physical education organizations. Sciences. European Journal of Sports and Science [Internet]. 2013March; 2(1):12-16.Available from:

·        Taghian F, Esfarjani F, Mirsafaei Rizi M. Relation of leptin level with some cardiovascular risks among fat girls during aerobic exercise. Research on Sport Sciences “Research Scientific Quarterly Periodical”. Spring 2010; 26:73-78.In Persian

                                                     Presented   Articles


·        Mirsafaei Rizi R.Identifying Risc factors for injuries in university rugby player. ISPRM 2016, 10th international Society of physical and rehabilitation medicin world congress, Kuala Lampour, Malaysia, May 29-Jun 2.

·        Mirsafaei Rizi R.A comparison between two schedules of reduced frequency of feedback(summary &faded feedback )on learning the skill of free-through shooting in basketball, 6th National Conference of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Isfahan, March 2005.

·        Mirsafaei Rizi R. Comparison of domination personal factors among athletes and ordinary people, 5th regional conference of training & Rearing News, Isfahan, 2010.


                                                            Sport Certificates


Coaching certificates in the following fields :

·        Physical fitness  

·        Track and field grade 2

·        Lifesaving grade 2

·        Swimming grade 3

·        Basketball grade 3

Referee certificates in the following fields:

·        Physical fitness grade 3

·        Swimming grade 3

·        Table tennis grade 3

·        Hockey grade 3

·        Basketball grade 3

·        Volleyball grade 3

Language & Computer  proficiency


·        Academic IELTS test overall band score 6.5

·        Microsoft Office Package;

·        Statistics by SPSS;




Hiking, mountaineering, studying, movie, camping, puzzle




·        attend in the evaluation & measuring educational development ;

·        attend in the workshop on an research by-laws and regulations ;

·        attend in the workshop on an digital library ;

·        attend the workshop on an teaching and learning patterns;

·        attend in the workshop on how to write CV;

·        attend in the workshop on how to extract information from a scientific text;

·        attend in the workshop on essay-writing in Persian language;

·        attend in the 1st specialized conference of corrective exercise of neighbor provinces ,2004;

·        attend in track and field competitions of females students of universities and institutes of Higher Education as a Coach,2009;

·        attend in 3rd Sport Olympiad  of females students of universities and institutes of Higher Education, as an athlete ,1997;

·        attend in 4th  Sport Olympiad  of females students of universities and institutes of Higher Education, athlete ,1998;

·        attend in 5th  Sport Olympiad  of females students of universities and institutes of Higher Education, as an athlete ,2000;

·        Certificate of participation in the 1st conference of Military physical education and sport, Imam Hossein University, 1999 







Prof. Ella Yeung

Professor Ph.D.; M.Sc.(Physio.); B.Sc.(Physio.)

Phone: +8522766 6748



Prof. Nader Rahnama

_ Professor , Faculty  of Physical Education

Isfahan University ,Isfahan, Iran

Phone: +983137932195


_Adjunct Professor of Sport Medicine, Department of Nutrition, Food & Exercise Sciences, 424 Sandels Building, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306,


 Phone: +1 (850) 644-8215

Fax: +1 (850) 645-5000


Email: 1.



Prof. Mehdi Namazizadeh

Associate professor, department of sport sciences

Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan (Isfahan) branch, Isfahan, Iran.


Email: 1.



Dr. farzaneh Taghian

Assistant professor, Department of sport sciences

Islamic Azad University, Khorsgan(Isfahan)branch.

